Honesty is the best policy unless it achieves more by not sharing it!
Started off the morning great with my exercises and my water.
Remember: A lack of trust is your biggest expense.
Now here’s the rest of the news:
The Welfare-Industrial Complex Is Booming
Under the surface of the 3.7% unemployment rate, you’ll find a surging welfare-industrial complex of government jobs created with taxpayer dollars… [Read Here]
The Failure of U.S. Sanctions Against Russia (In One Picture)
U.S. sanction policy has not only failed, it has backfired. While Americans are paying higher prices, the biggest beneficiary has been China…
[Read Here]
January 02, 2023
Good morning and Happy New Year!
In the third quarter of 2022, central banks around the world collectively bought 399 tons of gold. Over 300 tons, or about three quarters, came from the People’s Bank of China. At first, the bank tried to keep the buying secret, but admitted an increase in its reserves for the first time in over three years.
Investors might want to consider looking at gold-related trades. While the metal tends to soar with inflation, the big buying from central banks is increasing demand faster than supply can catch up. That could point to higher prices in the coming months, especially if other central banks continue to be strong buyers.
Now here’s the rest of the news:
Bank of Japan Announcement Sends Gold Investors Into a Frenzy
The biggest news in the markets last week was probably the Bank of Japan (BOJ)’s announcement that it would allow the interest rate to fluctuate… [Read Here]
The Most Valuable Retirement Lessons We Learned in 2022
It’s pretty clear that 2023 will be the year that even the most optimistic financial pundits will be forced to stop ignoring bad economic news – at least temporarily… [Read Here]
January 02, 2022
77 Rules of the Road (for Marketing, Business and Life)
Here are 77 mindsparks to get you kicking ass and taking names with the right mindset and motivation to finish August strong:
- Whatever it is you’re working on – it’s NOT what you think it is
- And it’s BIGGER than you think it is
- Your job is not to work alone – lone wolves starve to death
- Your job is to build containers for collaboration
- You need three groups of people…
- You need your posse (partners, colleagues, team)
- You need your tribe (followers, fans, customers, clients)
- You need your dream team (advisors, coaches, mentors)
- And you must avoid one group at all costs…
- Keep away from the herd (sheep, lemmings, goofballs)
- “Yes” is almost never a good first answer
- Focus like a maniac on what matters most
- Turn off email – Yes, really
- Live out of your calendar, not your inbox
- Be kinder than you need to be
- Let go to move faster
- Stop letting fear make your decisions for you
- Learn to love the verb DECIDE…
- Make more decisions
- Make faster decisions
- 90% of your decisions can always be changed later
- The magic word to get most anything you want: ASK!
- Charge premium fees…
- Good clients will follow
- Bad clients will fall away
- Stop asking for permission…
- Why? Because you already have it
- You don’t need to see the whole staircase – just the first step
- Action eliminates fear
- Overdeliver like crazy
- It’s better to have a capacity problem than a sales problem
- Customer loyalty goes both ways
- The saddest referral is one that was earned but never given (See #22)
- If it doesn’t matter to your customer, it doesn’t matter
- Forget features and benefits
- Focus exclusively on outcomes, results, and payoffs
- Learn to speak prospect language about prospect problems
- If you want to sell fire extinguishers, first show the fire
- If you don’t risk turning some people off, you’ll never turn anybody on
- Diversify while still specializing
- If you can prove what you do works, you win
- People never argue against their own opinions, data, and feelings
- When selling an idea, show up with a bucket, not a microphone
- There is no “sales gene”… it’s a learned skill for all of us
- Everyone can sell once they find their own voice
- Marketing comes down to four words: Offer value, Invite engagement
- Imagine that it’s easy
- Good things come to those who bust their ass and never give up
- Your success day in and day out, year in and year out depends on two things…
- How fast you’re willing to learn (relearn, unlearn)
- How much you’re willing to grow (personally, professionally, emotionally)
- Every prospect qualifies – they just might not qualify for YOU
- If the first version of your product/service isn’t embarrassing, you waited too long to launch it
- Happy people are that way because they want to be
- Miserable people are that way because they want to be
- Secure your own mask before assisting others
- If you’re a great starter, learn to finish
- Are you willing to do what you have to do so you get to do what you want to do?
- If you ain’t got people skills, I don’t care how smart you are – you’re dead
- Stop acting like a numbnutz and your life will improve
- Different isn’t better
- Better is better
- Until you have loved a dog, part of your soul remains unawakened
- Get out of the office – yes you – yes now. That’s where life happens
- Happiness is to have family that you consider friends and friends that you consider family
- Everyone needs allies, advocates, brothers, sisters, and co-conspirators in mischief and merry-making
- Getting what you want is easy – Deciding what you want is the hard part
- Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, writers gotta write, dancers gotta dance…
- So what are you waiting for?
- Don’t hand out home-made business cards…
- Don’t build a free template website…
- Professionals use professional tools
- Get serious, get help, or get out
- If mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy – remember that
- Once a day, do something brave
- Once a day, do something kind
- Once a day, do something smart
p.s. Which one of these is your favorite?
More Newfoundland beauty …
January 02, 2021
How to Move on From setbacks
Setbacks. They’re a fact of life. Despite our best intentions and well-laid-plans, life doesn’t always go according to our hopes and expectations. We all experience setbacks, both small and large, and even minor setbacks can have dramatic negative effects … if we all allow them to.
Thoughts of self-doubt creep in, hopelessness quickly settle in, and the downward spiral ensues. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There’s hope, and it starts with our mindset and how we view these so-called setbacks. Here are 5 ways to bounce back – better than ever – from life’s inevitable setbacks.
Embrace who you are. You, my friend, are human. As much as you want to be perfect and perennially in control, you’re not; no one is. But, you know what you are? You are awesome, and you have had many, many successes in life – and there’s more to come. Like you, I’m a work in progress too. Mistakes are okay. They’re learning opportunities. Being afraid is fine. Being comfortable being uncomfortable is a sign of growth.
Everything in life is temporary. Limitations, failings, losses, and setbacks are temporary. Pain and uncertainty pass. Time heals. But don’t watch time fly by. What can you take away from these experiences and situations? Take time to reflect.
Find gratitude in the present moment. Practicing gratitude gets a lot of love these days, and cliché as it may sound, it’s because it works. Every time. So, keep your head up. Take a deep breath and be grateful for everything that’s led you to the present moment – the people, the opportunities, the experiences. And be grateful for setbacks. You can let them destroy you or strengthen you. Your choice.
Reach out and help others. Setbacks are usually self-centered. As harsh as that sounds, it’s true. We usually end up wallowing in our own self-pity, and that’s okay – it’s normal. But, it can be one helluva trap. The key is catching yourself in this pattern, and when you do, re-focus on the people around you. Find a way to help someone else; it’s a sure-shot way to feel better. And remember, give someone the gift of opportunity today.
Move on. It’s always darkest before the dawn. We all make mistakes. But successful people shake it off, rebound rapidly, and get back on track. Pull yourself out of the negative spiral, get support, and hop right back on the path to success by making the right decisions. Learn your lessons.
To moving forward,
Change That Up
January 02, 2020
This new blog format … I like it … I hope you will too. Darren Hardy has a great message for us, but before he shares it, I would like to take a minute to appreciate the illustration artist Darren hired for:
To recap:
- Too Many, Too Much
- Too Tough, Too Soon
- Too hardcore
- Too Rigid
- Too Vague
- No Measurement
See you all back here tomorrow! 😉
January 02, 2019
Hey Haw!
Last night I put together a list of things to tackle today! Of course they had to be tackled today because yesterday was a holiday for most. Mainly it was a day to make sure all the links and websites were up-to-date. Passwords were also changed or updated. Tonight we’ll post to the Social Media sites as well.
We also are looking at changes our [5] Facebook cover pages. You probably would like to see them up-to-date too. As well we started a new book today. It’s called, “101 BEST WAYS To Be Your Best,” by Michael E. Angier. If the book critique is correct, it will inspire and empower ‘you’ to be ‘your best’ — both personally & professionally. Wait and see just how much better we get; and it’s not just lights & glitter … it is truth.
…bed in 25 minutes!!! Got to run….
Practical Wisdom to Help You Maximize Your Unique Potential.
January 02, 2018
January 02, 2017
Slept for a few hours before awaking to go to work. After working for 6 hours, came home to pick-up my wife to go back-out once again, this time grocery shopping. Returned home, cooked supper, watched more recorded TV shows, then into my home-office to spent time on social media and checking email.
Off tomorrow, so plan to go to bed a bit later tonight and sleep in tomorrow.
I tell you all this because, I’m not really any different than 90% of the population out there!