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03-MARCH 04-2024

Sales '24When you are working on stting your goals, there are different ways you can set them, but some steps are mandatory.  For example, to begin with, the goals must be your goals, not what someone else wants for you.  A goal should be something for which you have a passion; otherwise, when an obstacle gets in your way, you are likely to quit.  A goal will cause you to get up early, pursue it with a passion, look for other solutions when obstacles arise, seel the help of others, and do whatever it takes to reach your goal.  Also, the goal you choose needs to be something that you can measure.

PMP mar 2 - 2024

Now here’s the rest of the news:

What’s Gold Doing? Exactly What It’s Supposed to…
Today we dig into the old debate: Should gold be considered just another financial asset with emphasis on growth, or as a means of saving money by preserving purchasing power? [Read Here]

Washington Triggers Permanently Higher Inflation
The White House is happy to tell you the rate of inflation is falling.  So why aren’t prices falling, too?  Here’s how Bidenomics has created an expensive new normal… [Read Here]

March 04, 2023

Presentation '24Today!






March 04, 2022

Jump, for what?Good morning.
Social media platform Reddit came onto the map for investors last year with retail traders using the space to tout stocks like AMC Entertainment (AMC) and GameStop (GME), as well as to post winning or losing options trades.
Now, users on the platform are moving heavily into Ukrainian war bonds.  The besieged country used the first round of war bonds to pay $300 million on the existing sovereign debt, but they’re looking to raise another $1.3 billion in financial assistance from the EU.
While the loss of a war could mean a total wipeout on the bonds, at a current price of about 26 cents on the dollar, a victory could mean a four-fold payoff, in addition to any interest payments.  Of course, that payoff would be in Ukrainian hryvnia, which could also be heavily diluted.  Nevertheless… traders who are interested could get option-like returns from the usually “safe money” bond market right now.

Now here’s the rest of the news:

Officials Get Desperate, Use One Last Strategy To Avoid A Crisis
Oil continued to soar after a decision by major economies to coordinate a last ditch effort to avoid what many experts say is unavoidable.  West Texas Intermediate futures in New York rose 8% to settle above $103 a barrel on Tuesday. [Read Here]

March 04, 2021

We Are AccountantsGood morning.
One of the most popular sectors of the markets lately has been SPACs.  That’s short for special purpose acquisition companies.  That’s a fancy, Wall Street way of describing what has also been known as a “blank check” company.
It works like this: The SPAC goes public, then uses the cash from the proceeds to buy a private business.  That merger creates a new company.  If it sounds a bit like a convoluted IPO-type process, you’re not far off the mark.  But thanks to a robust number of private companies looking for cash, it’s quickly exploded into a $700 billion market.  Time will tell if the SPAC boom has the same dangers of the IPO boom of the late 1990s.

Are you betting big on any SPACs?

Hit reply and let us know how your thoughts on the space.

Now here’s the rest of the news:

Biden’s Trumped-Up Rescue Plan Is a Solution Looking For a Problem –John A Tatom, The Hill
“Never let a crisis go to waste.”  Instead, truly shock voters with the size of the problem and spend a massive $1.9 trillion to wage war on – economic inequality? [Read Here]

March 04, 2020

Life can be a bit of a Chess GameGood morning.
What a day in the markets!  Who’d have thought that the Fed stepping in and cutting 0.5% off the Fed Funds Rate would have caused the market to sell-off so dramatically.
I can only imagine how Jerome and the rest of the FOMC members must have felt seeing the market rally for a couple minutes before selling off.
Well, I guess it’s back to the drawing board with the Fed.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer said that the Federal Reserve’s emergency interest rate cut makes him even more concerned about the possible economic risks from the coronavirus.

March 04, 2019

“Instead of spending your time thinking about how bad things are, think about how good they will be!”

Everything is Relative

There is a famous saying: “The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.”  At times, human beings are not satisfied with what they have.  People seem to do well until, unfortunately, they experience a loss.  Then, usually, they want to be better — to experience the “green grass.”  It’s human nature to always want to be better, to have more.  Isn’t that what is meant by the phrase “dream big?”  At times, dreaming big might be great; however, at other times one should be thankful for what one has.

Consider the story of the 85 year old grandmother taking her 5 year old grandson, Johnny, to the beach for the first time.  She was so excited.  She bought Johnny a brand new complete outfit for his first time at the beach: new cap, new swimsuit, new t-shirt, new shoes and a new sand bucket with a shovel.

They walked to the beach holding hands.  As they got to the sand, Johnny said, “Grandma, because I can’t swim I won’t go near the water; so I’ll just dig up the sand with my new shovel far from the sea.”

However, Johnny had difficulty digging up the hard sand far from the water. Therefore, he said, “Grandma, this sand is too hard.  Can I get close to the water where the sand is easier to dig?”  Johnny quickly added, “But I promise I won’t go in the water.”

Hesitantly, the grandmother looked into Johnny’s begging big eyes and said, “Okay, but promise you won’t go in the water.”

Johnny screamed with glee, “I promise.”  As he was close to the ocean he was having such a good time, digging and digging with ease in the soft sand.  Unfortunately, a huge wave came on the shore and swallowed up little Johnny, taking him out to sea.

With her vigilant eyes, watching him from afar, his grandmother screamed, “Oh my God!  Oh my God!  Help me God!”

Just then, another huge wave thundered onto the beach from the ocean and “spit forth” little Johnny safely back on the shore.

Elated, the grandmother ran toward the boy and tightly hugged her 5 year old grandson.  Wiping tears from her eyes she cried out as she looked toward the heavens, “Thank you God!  Thank you so much!”

She then looked back down at her little sweet Johnny.  She once again quickly looked back at the heavens and screamed, “Hey… Where’s his new cap!?” 😉

Come From Aways, Do You?

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