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03-MARCH 19-2024

March 19, 2023

Mixed Up!“And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Now here’s the rest of the news:

Exponential U.S. Debt – How Much Will It Cost YOU?
Does the $34 trillion national debt really matter?  History shows us it does – debt comes with a price that citizens pay.  And you may be shocked by just how high that price is… [Read Here]

Gold Hits NEW All-Time High – And “Experts” Aren’t Sure Why
Another record gold price has analysts scratching their heads.  Dedollarization?  Central bank demand?  Insatiable demand from individual investors worldwide?  Maybe there’s not just ONE reason for gold’s new all-time high price… [Read Here]

March 19, 2022

Today we’ll continue with Bob Burg’s Adversaries into Allies Introduction:

I don’t take the word adversary in the literal sense, but use the term to refer to those who – regardless of their intentions – stand in the way of our personal satisfaction.  They are a part of a learning process – not negative figures, but necessary ones.  Just as the great Japanese home-run hitter Sadaharu Oh viewed opposing pitchers as his “partners in hitting home runs,” I see adversaries as our partners in growth and success – and as people we can turn into allies for mutual gain.

These partners take different forms, playing a part in many of life’s different situations.  They range from family members to well-intentioned friends, and can include coworkers, employees, supervisors, employers, team members, committee members, salespeople, prospects, customers, clients, bureaucrats, customer service representatives, and many, many others.

People can be difficult, or adversarial.  Sometimes you need to find a win/win solution to dealing with a person you already know is difficult.  Other times it’s important to make sure that the potentially difficult person doesn’t become an adversary in the first place.  This book will help you do both.

After seeing the title, some early readers asked if this is a book about negotiation.  Only in the sense that we negotiate our way through everything in life in one way or another.  So while it is not about the topic of negotiation or about specific negotiation skills and tactics, you’ll find it to be beneficial in all of your dealings with others, including direct negotiations.

Because of my background into sales and teaching selling skills, another excellent question I’ve received is, “Is this a book on selling?”  While some of the examples in these pages will deal directly with the selling process, it’s not a book on selling per se.  Again, only in the sense that if we understand that selling is about moving others to accept our ideas – whether we’re deciding which movie to see with a friend, selling our product to a prospect, or trying to get better service from a difficult rep – we are selling on a constant basis.

So, what is this book really about?

Adversaries into Allies is about mastering one specific area of success.  It’s one that has proven itself again and again to be the determining factor between the average or reasonably successful person and the one who is able to accomplish great and significant levels of achievement.  And that is people skills. (Next Saturday, we’ll conclude of introduction of Adversaries into Allies.)

March 19, 2021

DNA AnalysisGood morning.
One the reasons investors have been bullish on stocks in the past year was summed up by the acronym TINA.  That’s short for There Is No Alternative.  Specifically, that meant that stocks offered better upside protection and income relative to bonds.  But with 10-year Treasury yields closing in on 1.75 percent, those yields are now on par with the S&P 500’s dividend yield.
Some see real trouble if the 10-year hits 2 percent.  Others see the Federal Reserve acting to keep 10-year rates down by doing another “Twist” operation.  The beauty of a Twist is that by selling bonds it already owns to buy ones designed to lower yields, it doesn’t increase the central bank’s balance sheet.  But until that happens, rising bond yields threaten another market correction.

How high will the 10-year go before the Fed starts to intervene?  Over or under 2 percent?

Hit reply and share your thoughts.

Now here’s the rest of the news:

Dollar’s Purchasing Power Dwindles to Another Record Low. Fed is Getting its Wishes –Wolf Richter, Wolf Street
Price inflation, or “loss of purchasing power of your dollars,” has dropped to a new all-time low in February, according to the BLS data – just like the Fed wants… [Read Here]

Half of Stimulus Economic Gains Went to 1% Wealthiest –Wolf Richter, Wolf Street
Worse, the Fed’s bubble policies are disastrous for the bottom 50%.  Life gets more expensive.  Housing costs surge, along with other prices, cutting the value of labor… [Read Here]

March 19, 2020

Humpty Dumpty MarketGood morning.
As you read about GM and Ford shutting down their production facilities as the COVID-19 panic is spreading, it makes you wonder whether it’s all worth it.
I’m not necessarily trying to downplay the potential risks, but we’re at a point where we are making the calculated choice to accept a likely recession or worse.
While everyone will have their own assessment of the worth of such an action, it is important to realize as an investor or trader that the game is being changed and will likely remain changed for a while.

There seems to be only two things in the news these days … the markets … and COVID-19.

We have little control of the forces controlling the markets, however, maintaining our health … well we CAN do something about that.

Aside from getting sunshine and fresh air, we have a few more tips below…

#1:  I know you’ve heard a lot lately about immune-boosting herbs, nutrients, etc…  While most of these nutrients won’t “kill” the virus per se, what they CAN do is give you a nice boost to your immune system, which can reduce your risk of catching the virus, or can also reduce the severity and duration of the sickness if you do contract it.

So the point is, it CAN’T HURT to stock up on supplements that have proven studies to benefit the immune system right now.  Many people argue over how much benefit they will have, but my position is that if they have ANY benefit at all in reducing your risk, or reducing your severity and duration of sickness if it were to happen, then it’s definitely worth taking them.  I’m personally taking a bunch of herbs and nutrients.  image product bottles

For starters, a high dose vitamin C is worth taking right now… it can only help, and there’s no harm in taking reasonably large doses.  I recently heard about this powerful Liposomal Vitamin C from some friends, and it’s apparently absorbed at a much higher rate than most vitamin C.

Other immune-boosting nutrients that have proven antiviral properties (and immune-boosting) are Quercetin, elderberry, zinc, garlic, echinacea, olive leaf, and astragalus.

This article explains how elderberry fights against most viruses.

10 Powerful HerbsAnd this article shows the top 10 powerful antiviral herbs worth considering right now.  Many of these antivirals don’t necessarily directly kill viruses by ingesting them, but they prevent them from replicating, and also reduce your risk of contracting a virus.

#2:  I know of many people who’ve been drinking bone broths every day, as they have a known effect on improving your immune system.  My friends at Kettle & Fire bone broths have graciously offered to give my readers a 25% discount on their “Immunity Bundle” here, so don’t miss that.

#3:  I’ve heard from several infectious disease experts that people that are overweight or obese are at MUCH greater risks of severe problems from coronavirus than people at normal weights.  So if there was ever a time to get down to a normal weight, it’s NOW!  And since all restaurants and bars are closed at this point, there’s no temptation to dine out, so you can simply make healthy foods at home and lose fat easier.  Grab a free copy of our Fat-Burning Kitchen book here if you don’t already have it.

And since restaurants are closed, you might wanna grab this Free Keto Slow Cooker Cookbook right here, and enjoy delicious home-cooked meals that can also help you lose fat.  No Smoking

#4:  Smokers are also at a much greater risk of severe complications from this infection, since this virus attacks the respiratory system.  If there was ever a perfect time to quit smoking cold turkey, it’s NOW!  (and Please, No Vaping either.)

#5:  Another population at extreme risk of severe complications from this virus are people with insulin resistance and type 2 Diabetes… again, it’s time to take this seriously, so read this page to see how you can reverse type 2 Diabetes for good.

Lastly, it’s important for everybody to stay calm and not panic.  The US still is only reported at around 41,000 cases and 500 deaths out of 330 million people as of today, so while the situation could get scary if this thing spreads far and wide, we need to realize that a very tiny % of the population is actually infected right now, and as spring approaches, and people get more sun, we’ll be seeing a very broad strengthening of most people’s immune systems in the coming weeks, which theoretically should slow down the spread.

So we need to be realistic about this, and not panic.  But stay safe and avoid any indoor places where a lot of people are. Definitely get outside and get some sunshine and fresh air (aside from quality sleep, sunshine is the #1 thing to boost your immune system right now)…  And now is also the perfect time to focus on dropping weight, fixing health problems like Diabetes, and stopping smoking too.

Please Share this post to all of your friends and family to spread these helpful tips to everyone. 


Disclaimer:  The information in this email is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this email is for general information purposes only.  Irollie Marketing LLC makes no representation and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of information contained in or made available through this email, and such information is subject to change without notice.  You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this email with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your physician.


March 19, 2019

“The biggest room in the world is the room for improvement.”

You Can’t Put a Price On a Good Reputation

So what companies have the best reputations?  Rolex topped the list according to recent research from the Reputation institute.  The report was based on data from more than 170,000 ratings of companies in the first quarter of 2017 by consumers from around the world.  Each firm was assigned a RepTrak score by the researchers based on its reputation in seven areas: products & services, innovation, work-place, governance, citizenship, leadership and performance.

Rolex was recognized for its strong reputa-tion with consumers across all seven performance areas, especially quality of products/services.  Lego ranked second for best reputa-tion with consumers.  The Walt Disney Company was third, followed by Canon, Google, Bosch, Sony, Intel, Rolls-Royce and Adidas. lists seven habits of people with great reputations, and we think they are worth sharing:

      • They get things done.
      • They take ownership of their mistakes.
      • They are generous.
      • They listen to other points of view.
      • They’re decisive.
      • They don’t sacrifice principles, and …
      • They’re resilient.

That list is a perfect guideline for those who aren’t sure what they need to do.  Pay particular attention to the final habit: resilience.  You will make mistakes, you will upset some people, and you will be blamed for things that aren’t your fault.  But your reputation will take a beating if you react rashly.  Take the high road, not the shortcut.  That’s the brilliance of resilience.

Mackay’s Moral: Your reputation depends on your past and determines your future.  😉

Come From Aways, Do You?

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