June 10, 2022
Good morning.
It takes two quarters of declining GDP to mark an official recession. With the first quarter of 2022 showing a surprise 1.3 percent drop, the quarter coming to an end this month could signal a recession. Some see a strong job market and consumer spending as a sign that we’re not really in a recession. The bears will say that high gasoline and rising food prices are reducing overall spending, when adjusted for inflation.
For now, with the need to slow the economy to get inflation under control, those bearish on the economy have an upper hand in the narrative right now. However, this recession should prove mild. Eliminating excess inflation is easier to bear than having high unemployment or having a total collapse in the housing market from over-leverage.
Either way, the mixed signs should point to traders looking for profits both up and down in the months ahead.
Now here’s the rest of the news:
Morgan Stanley: “A Paradigm Shift Has Begun”
Global markets are in the beginning of a fundamental shift after a nearly 15-year period defined by low interest rates and cheap corporate debt, according to Morgan Stanley co-President Ted Pick. He says it’s an extraordinary moment with the first… [Read Here]
June 10, 2021
Good morning.
Ronald Reagan once quipped that the nine scariest words in the English language were, “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” So the announcement that the government has formed a “supply-chain disruption task force” may sound a bit like a prolonging of the problem rather than a solution of it.
The past year has shown the heavy hand of government intervention from local and state pandemic lockdowns to a near-universal basic income from stimulus checks and expanded unemployment benefits.
One simple place for the task force to start looking at solutions might be in scaling back those issues, which arguably helped create the disruptions in the first place. Being a government task force, that’s not likely. Expect further disruptions ahead.
Now here’s the rest of the news:
GameStop and the New Generation of Barbarians to the Gate –Emily Stewart, Town & Country
2021: crypto roiled the markets, Redditors took their revenge and tech moguls became the dominant ruling class in finance. But the GameStop saga showed why Wall Street wins even when it loses… [Read Here]
June 10, 2020
Good morning.
In sports, it’s really easy to see the winners and the losers. Winners win and losers, well, lose. The difficulty with the market is that there isn’t a finish line or a game clock. It’s easy to tally points in terms of returns, but over what period of time?
Fund managers typically gauge their success on their perfor-mance against the S&P 500, but what about down years? Are we to accept losses? Right now, the market is in a precarious position of having to take increasing risk to belong, but the losses keep adding up if your short. It’s this quandary that typically leads to market tops.
Here’s a lesson/message worthy of mention:
“If it’s up to me… it’s meant to be, and I’ll create the change I want to see.”
(Say this 3 times today)
So, today’s video is about the one principle that helps in times like this.
It reminds us how we start to create change in the first place.
June 10, 2019
Out this Monday morning flying a couple of drones!!! Never happened!!!
“The Bear” slipped on the steps and bruised his wrist; and myself: The alternator on my “Caddy” packed it in!!!
Wasn’t totally bad … we enjoyed breakfast at A & W together; then sat outside in the sunshine & waited for an AMA tow truck to get ‘the caddy’ and I, back home! [Thank for the company Barry]
…more updates throughout the day as it unfolds…
June 10, 2017
Got the day off … a Saturday … YES!
Hope to learn a great deal at the VectorVest Training today…
“Success is a science; if you have the conditions, you get the results.” —Oscar Wilde