Good morning.
Investors largely expect inflation to continue lower in the months ahead. While the most recent headline number was at 4 percent, expectations are for 3.8 percent in the coming month. That’s a good sign overall. However, investors expect long-term inflation to move closer to 3 percent. That’s the highest read since last March.
It’s clear that we’re not quite done wringing inflation out of the economy. And that moving too quickly to ease off of monetary tightening could lead to inflation moving higher than expected quickly.
Overall, the current decline is bullish. But markets may have also priced it in. Given this latest mixed signal, traders and investors alike should continue to expect a sideways move in markets over the coming weeks until a clearer signal emerges.
Now here’s the rest of the news:
The Truth About Bidenomics
Estimates of United States growth have improved but remain massively below the Federal Reserve projections. After the largest monetary and fiscal stimulus in recent years, growth remains well below trend, and debt is significantly higher… [Read Here]
Will AI Destroy Both Jobs And Profits?
Setting aside sensationalist dystopian fears of AI taking over our spaceship (“I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that,” the famous line from the film 2001: A Space Odyssey), let’s focus on two more realistic possibilities. How many millions of jobs are at stake? [Read Here]
July 12, 2022
Good morning.
Now here’s the rest of the news:
Central Bank Digital Currencies Are the Ultimate Tool of Financial Oppression
Currencies are the lifeblood of a nation’s trade. When a currency fails, the entire economy collapses. Even… [Read Here]
If You Thought the First Half of 2022 Was Bad, Just Wait
The U.S. economic picture doesn’t look good right now, from any perspective. In some ways, virtually every economic signal looks like it’s flashing a warning… [Read Here]
July 12, 2021
Good morning.
In every endeavour of life, there’s always someone who’s a self-proclaimed expert… but who tends to get it completely wrong.
By finding those individuals and then taking the opposite approach lies the path to riches.
Call them anti-experts, call them contrarian indicators, call them desperate celebrities, it’s all a rose by any other name that can be used to find profitable ideas. Without naming names, such people can be found all across the investment spectrum.
One reason for a bounce higher in Bitcoin prices on Friday appears to be a warning from one of these anti-experts, who made the case for the cryptocurrency to now drop to $10,000. It just goes to show, if you know who to listen to (and who to take the opposite approach of), you can get an idea for where certain assets are heading.
Precious Metals Prices
Price at week’s end (change over last week)
Gold … $1,809.95 (+1.2%)
Silver … $26.16 (-1.5%)
Platinum … $1,112.92 (+1.3%)
Palladium … $2,844.88 (+0.8%)
Now here’s the rest of the news:
Gold: The Best Hedge in All Economic Climates
Gold is known as a safe haven and inflation hedge. It’s equally effective today, amidst negative real interest rates and a plunge in the dollar’s buying power. Adrian Day tells us why gold is still the best hedge… [Read Here]
What If the Next Major Cyberattack Targeted the Internet?
Brandon Smith of speculates Cyberpolygon could be a dress rehearsal for an internet lockdown that would have disastrous consequences… [Read Here]
This “Financial Law of Gravity” Predicts an Inevitable Market Collapse
A survey of economic history demonstrates the irresistible force crushes every market bubble. It’s just as pervasive as gravity, just as strong, and recent events make us think it’s taking over… [Read Here]
July 12, 2020
Here’s to a better YOU … and now … Today’s DarrenDaily Recap Sunday. A collection of the weeks videos from Darren Hardy. Enjoy!
Describing its beauty!!! Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland, Canada.
South East Brook Falls …
July 12, 2019
Friday’s quote is from Andrew Carnegie:
“As I grow older, I pay less attention to what people say. I just watch what they do.“
Check out these three great prospecting questions.
- “Do you think a part-time job would be better for you than a part-time business?” (Most prospects will immediately attach themselves to wanting a part-time business. Hey, working a part-time job until age 67 doesn’t sound like much fun.)
- “Starting our own business would cost a lot of money and it’s pretty risky, isn’t it?” (Most pros-pects will agree and say that is why they haven’t tried a business. Now they are open-minded toward a business that doesn’t require a lot of money and is not risky.)
- “Would a $500-a-month raise make a big difference?” (Gee, that’s $6,000 a year, which would pay for a nice vacation, a better car, an occasional weekend getaway, or the minimum payment on the credit card. This question is rejection-free. Even if our prospect says “No,” that might mean our prospect is looking for even more money. And we know our prospect can’t get this kind of raise from his or her boss.)
Using better words can literally create new prospects on-demand.
Enjoy your day! 😉
July 12, 2017
Second FULL-DAY-AWAY. The Province of BC is having a tuff-go with all the forest fires! Many people’s summer-homes and cottages are without protection from Mother Nature. [I learned when we got back to Calgary, that my auto-mechanic “loss everything.” He and his family were able to flee the flames only days before “their dreams were ex-tinguished.” Because of that very threat of forest fires; only 1 access road in or out, and no town or fire-brigade nearby — their $150K retire-ment hide-away disappeared.]
There’s no trace of smoke in the air, around Kimberly today. We took a short 30-minute drive to the south-east. Most of the fires are burning MUCH further north … about 700 – 1,000 kilometers. We actually have had a bit of rain throughout the day! (Much around us is surprisingly green.)
We are on our way to Fort Steele, (BC). Great historic site with many, many fun attractions. “All Aboard!” [more to come]