NewCover with LOGO

07-JULY 16-2023

It's gone!Today!






July 16, 2022

Grow upToday!







July 16, 2021

LawGood morning.
It’s easy to bash the Federal Reserve.  They have a dual mandate, to keep unemployment down and prices stable.  That’s usually a trade-off in the best of times.  With the unique challenges of a pandemic, it’s no surprise that it’s an even bigger challenge than usual.
When testifying before Congress on Thursday, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell stated that he’s “not concerned” with the rising costs of living.  In a world where inflation in transitory, that’s no surprise.  In the real world, where people have to put food on the table, though, such statements come off as elitist and out of touch with the needs of average, everyday Americans.  Given the central bank’s “say anything to keep markets going” attitude, traders should continue to expect some volatility this earnings season.

Now here’s the rest of the news:

Dear President Biden, You Need an Education, Starting With the Meaning of “Free” –Mike Shedlock,Mish Talk
Many of us are tired of paying for government-sponsored “free” stuff with our tax dollars.  I graciously volunteer my time for free (no cost to anyone) to teach you the true meaning of “free”… [Read Here]

July 16, 2020

Executive Order of the President

Good morning.
It’s been four days of the big names of Tech failing to lead the way.  The Nasdaq must be feeling unloved.
With vaccine news dominating the headlines on Wednesday and last Friday’s Gilead news, it’s provided the one-two punch that has lifted value names led by the Industrials and Material sectors.  We’ve seen this same story play out, but does the addition of banks provide staying power to lift stocks through the rest of summer without the Big 5?  Only time will tell.

Now here’s the rest of the news:

Don’t Give Up on Gold, Silver and Platinum
“I would recommend investors to hold at least a part of their money in precious metals.” –Marc Faber

July 16, 2019

Gain A Competitive Advantage

Hope you enjoyed Darren’s message as much as I did!  😉

Come From Aways, Do You?

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