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07-JULY 25-2023

Retail July '23Good morning.  2023 was supposed to be a fantastic year for the economy, at least in China.  That’s because the country’s harsh Covid-era lockdown policies came to an end in late 2022.  But instead of a flourishing economy built by repressed consumer demand to go out, China’s economy has instead stalled out.
That lack of a growth story isn’t hurting the rest of the world too much.  The U.S. is in the opposite camp – concerns over a steep recession have instead been guided more toward a soft landing as the labor market and corporate earnings have held up well as inflation has been crushed over the past year.
Investors can still be mindful of China, given its impact on global commodity demand, as well as an indicator of global manufacturing.  But China can’t manufacture services that U.S. consumers are demanding right now, such as vacations.

Now here’s the rest of the news:

Your Bidenomics Pay Cut ($5,600 Per Year)
For the first time in more than two years, wage growth finally outpaced inflation.  The White House is taking a victory lap.  While this really is good news, the bad news is it’s going to take a lot more than… [Read Here]

Global De-Dollarization Accelerates – What’s Next?
Economic catastrophes often start gradually, then suddenly accelerate into utter chaos.  The de-dollarization trend is similar, and we may be on the brink between “gradually” and “suddenly”… [Read Here]

July 25, 2022

You might bail2Good morning.
Some investors are getting ahead of events, in anticipation of the Federal Reserve reversing course with its interest rate hikes.  With the bank meeting this week, another hike of at least 0.75 percent is likely already in the cards.
The data clearly shows that inflation remains far higher than desired by the central bank, so they’re likely to raise for longer than many would like right now.  That’s true even as data like last week’s PMI data showed a contraction in the manufacturing sector.  With companies shutting down production, and retailers reporting excess inventory, it’s clear that we’re still early in the stage of the economy clearing out its excesses.
That means the current rally in recent weeks is likely a bear market rally – and that it’s likely to see an end sooner rather than later.  Traders should continue to be cautious, and look for some downside opportunities after the market’s recent run.

2022_07_23 _ PMP

Now here’s the rest of the news:

World’s Top Hedge Fund Manager Issues This Alert on Gold
We’re hearing an increasing number of warnings that a stagflationary event could not only materialize, but persist for an entire decade.  I don’t want to… [Read Here]

Phillip Patrick: How Biden’s Russia Sanctions Punish YOU, Not Putin
In response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine earlier this year, Biden and the leaders of the G7 enacted a series of economic sanctions that included… [Read Here]

July 25, 2021

Here’s to a better YOU … and now … Today’s DarrenDaily Recap Sunday.  A collection of the weeks videos from Darren Hardy.  Enjoy!

Naturally beautiful: Waves Crash Across the Rocky Shore.


… I’ll watch awhile!.

July 25, 2020

David Newman suggests YOU Grow Your Business with a Book!

One of the fastest ways to grow your business (especially now) is with a book that positions you as an expert.


Because as opposed to webinars or events a book gives your prospect instant gratification.  They are able to download it and consume it the exact moment they see it.

So what?

When your prospects download your book, you grow your email list and the book does most of the lead conversion for you.
Since you’re sharing your expertise, by the time you’re on the phone with your ideal client, they already know exactly what you’re about.  And that’s just one of the many ways you can leverage a book to grow your business (others include mentioning your book during online events, using it as direct mail to high-level decision-makers, and having the star power of showing up on real shelves in real bookstores and libraries – remember those?)

So now what?

Having a book sure sounds great — but how do you get yours done when you have a business to run?
Meet Alinka Rutkowska, she’s a USA Today and Wall Street Journal best-selling author and the CEO of Leaders Press where she helps busy entrepreneurs get books done.  For example she helped the co-founder of DHL International get his book done and onto the bookshelves together with World Economic Forum speakers and Nobel prize winners.  Every book she launches becomes a best-seller and she breaks down her process into 17 steps, which she packaged into her FREE book titled, Outsource Your Book.

Grab your copy now to discover:

    • How to position your book so that it’s a bestseller — you have to do this before it’s written;
    • How to hire the right interviewer who can get your ideas out of your head;
    • How to turn your ideas into a masterfully crafted manuscript;
      The three different types of editing, and which ones you need;
    • Where to hire a designer for an attention-grabbing cover, and why the right cover can make or break your book sales;
    • How to optimize your book for online sales so that it pops up on top of any search results;

Ready to grow YOUR business with a book?

Grab your 100% free copy of Outsource Your Book now.

July 25, 2019

A naked lady hailed a taxi.  She got into the taxi.  The taxi driver looked her up and down.

Hailing a Taxi has Risks

Lady:  Have you never seen a naked woman before?

Taxi driver:  I have seen before.

Lady:  Then, why are you looking me up and down for so long?  Can we get moving, please.

Taxi driver:  But, I have yet to see any evidence that you have money on you.

  • Focus on your business.
  • Know distractions when you see them.

** ** **

How do you concentrate more on business … Integrity and values are critical here!

It’s rare for people to just say yes or no.  We seem to need to qualify our responses to the point that we dilute and weaken our meanings.  Try just saying yes or no without qualifying or explaining.  It’s not easy, but it’s so powerful.

When you’re about to start a meeting or begin a conversation with someone, ask yourself;

“What do I want to say?  What specific outcome do I want?  How can I make myself easily understood?”

As Zig Ziglar says, “The person who will not stand for something will fall for anything.”

So … what has this to do with a naked lady hailing a taxi … a lot!

If the taxi driver’s primary reason for driving this cab was to be of REAL service … how he got paid should have not mattered.  Our clue comes from the lady when she asks, “Can we get moving, please?”

I want you to think about this for a few minutes, okay!  😉

Come From Aways, Do You?

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