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10-OCTOBER 29-2023

Another useless meetingLast year I had nothing to add…






October 29, 2022

Start up's startupToday!





October 29, 2021

10 Thousand Foot View Of Things!Good morning.
14 months ago, an $8,000 bet was made on the Shiba Inu cryptocurrency (SHIB).  With a low market cap, the buyer was able to acquire a 16 percent stake.  That stake reached a peak value this week of just over $5.1 billion.  No, that’s not a typo.
The rate of return makes this potentially the greatest investment return in human history.  Although, it may be impossible to sell off a meaningful stake without causing the price to tank.
Shiba Ibu is a derivative of the meme cryptocurrency Dogecoin (DOGE), which was a spinoff of Litecoin (LTC), which itself was designed to be a nimbler version of Bitcoin (BTC).  So this is an example of trading a derivative of a derivative of a derivative.  With cryptocurrency trading here to stay, this record return may end up being left in the dust sooner rather than later.

Now here’s the rest of the news:


October 29, 2020

Straight to SentencingGood morning.
October is a tough month for stocks.  On average, September is worse… but the big crashes come in October.  Today marks the 91st anniversary of Black Tuesday.  On this day in 1929, the Dow crashed 12 percent, one of the largest one-day drops in history.  But it wasn’t isolated to one day, like the Crash of ’87.
That kind of drop puts yesterday’s decline in perspective.  Of course, today there are a wider group of investors, with nearly half of all Americans with some skin in the great game.  And many investors are passive, buying up assets in 401(k) and other tax-deferred plans in small amounts on a biweekly basis.  But thanks to those developments, a 3+ percent drop is still a sizeable one.  But that’s par for the course for October.  Not to worry, November and December tend to be better months for stocks.

Now here’s the rest of the news:

Oh, and did you know that 7.4 Billion dollars were spent by American last year on Black Friday?  Yeah, insane… And $4.2 Billion on Thanksgiving Day last year!
Gold currently at $1,909.86, silver at $24.47

October 29, 2019
In the NEWS

Before we dive into DarrenDaily this morning, Moody’s Analytics uses three different models to determine presidential elections.  One model is based on consumer’s pocketbooks, one is based on stock market performance, and the final model is based on unemployment data.  Going back to 1980, the models only gave one false prediction in 2016.  For 2020, all three models predict that President Trump will “steamroll the competition.”

H E R E ‘ S …. D A R R E N ….

Of course, a lot can happen in a year, and an economy at full employment now may not look so rosy in that time!

Count on one thing-for-sure … Change!  🙂

Come From Aways, Do You?

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