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11-NOVEMBER 28-2023

Need more volunteersGood morning.  Following the short trading week, the last week of November is typically one where markets see a small pullback.  It likely doesn’t mean the start of anything big for markets. And it’s usually the last pause before a year-end rally.
So far, markets have performed about as expected for a pre-election year.  Should this trend hold in the final month, traders and investors can expect a small market gain, albeit a much smaller one than the November bounce we’ve seen in markets this year.
Traders and investors alike can use any small pullback this week to get positioned for a year-end rally, particularly for any tech stocks that may have a notable drop in the coming days.

Now here’s the rest of the news:

As Debt Skyrockets, So Does This
When investors worry about global debts, they seek safe haven in physical precious metals.  Both historical precedent and current events prove that physical precious metals aren’t… [Read Here]

Top 3 Dangers to Your Retirement Savings
Economic uncertainty is bad enough – sometimes it’s a fact of life we have to accept.  But if you think you’ve overcome uncertainty about your expenses in retirement, these 3 savings drains may… [Read Here]

November 28, 2022

PinataGood morning.
Cryptocurrencies seemed to have bottomed before markets did in September… at least until the collapse of FTX, the second-largest cryptocurrency brokerage at the time.  Now, with many cryptos at multi-year lows, the question is whether the bottom is in.
Now, some investors are making headlines in the space.  Crypto bank Silvergate Capital (SI) just had an activist investor pick up nearly 10 percent of shares.  And proposals are flying for a crypto bailout fund, which could be used to pick up bankrupt players.  It’ll take time for confidence to come back to the sector, but until then, the big crypto projects are likely going to continue attracting investor interest and growing their networks, cyclical bottom or not.

2022_11_26 PMP

Now here’s the rest of the news:

2023 Is Starting to Look Like Gold’s Best Tear Ever

Analyst and investor Rick Rule spoke to Stockhead about gold’s price over the next 12 months.  Importantly, the conversation was about gold’s price as measured in U.S. dollars.  As I’ve been saying… [Read Here]

November 28, 2021

Here’s to a better YOU … and now … Today’s DarrenDaily Recap Sunday.  A collection of the weeks videos from Darren Hardy.  Enjoy!

Describing its beauty!!!  Maple Leaf Canadian Flag pole alone in barren coastal landscape of Newfoundland, Canada,


I’m proud to be Canadian.

November 28, 2020

Simple diet tip for parties.

not-a-turkeyThe “Holiday Season” is officially here… Feeling guilty about that extra slice of pie?  Don’t beat yourself up!  It takes a lot of calories — 3,500 — to gain a pound of body fat.  So really, that one off day doesn’t usually result in any significant weight gain.

It’s about what you do the next day and the day after that’s really important — so don’t stay off-track.  So be sure to whittle away at those extra calories over the next day or two, preferably by boosting exercise, for instance, try taking an extra 15-minute walk around your office each day rather than eating too little.  Starvation is not the healthy answer!

Oh, and here is a quick party tip… before you head out the door to attend a holiday party, wedding or dinner party… Try to enjoy a 100-calorie snack before the celebration, this can help you eat fewer munchies at the event (I usually eat an apple or a small plate of carrots and celery, even if I’m not hungry and wash it down with a full glass of water before I head out on the town).

To The Little Things,

Change That Up

P.S.: There are some moment in life that you remember forever in slow motion.  We can’t all be together with our loved ones or friends.  Maybe for a variety of reasons.

Some of us have experienced deep loss associated with holidays, or we feel loss particularly pronounced on holidays once loved ones are missing from our lives.

Because of the pandemic, I have friends in hospitals right now fighting for their lives.

I have friends with parents in hospitals fighting for their lives for the same reason.

I have an aunt who just lost her aunt to the same disease.

I have a friend with a husband who has just undergone a spinal reconstruction from a recent sledding injury and is hoping just to walk again.

I have another friend whose mother just passed away this week.

I have a close relative who is dealing with a recent, unexpected diagnosis.

Again, a collision of grief and gratitude and Thanksgiving.

How are you doing?

However you are feeling, I want you to know that there are so many others who feel the same: whether it is grief, gratitude, both, somewhere in between, or something else entirely.

Holidays are just like life.  A blend of sorrow and light.  Tragedy and hope.  Gratitude and grief.

“We bereaved are not alone. We belong to the largest company in the world – the company of those who have known suffering.” —Helen Keller

Wherever you are, however you feel, we are in this human experience together.

November 28, 2019

ShoppingBagsAre you forgetting to take a vacation?  We all need to recharge our energy from-time-to-time!  It will not only allow us to clear the clutter from our mind, but it actually allows us to be better at what we do, and better at doing it!

Thankful Thursday is all about giving back.  Appreciating where we are and where we have come from.  Today my wife was downtown reacquainting with friends.  When I was finished playing Bridge in Bowness … my wife called to say she was in the WIN shop, just around the corner.  Without going into a lot of detail… the WIN shop is a place you can drop off unneeded items … to (later after sorting & priced) placed on a shelf or hung on display … then purchased [the proceeds go to people (in our community) that are less fortunate].

At one time I would never consider shopping here.  Not because I was too proud … but because I didn’t want to buy something — taking the opportunity away — from someone who could ONLY afford the very low priced items.  Things like outdoor Christmas Lights $15 [would be for sale in department store for $80].  I have no idea if the person that dropped them off, wasn’t able to hang them because of age or ill-health, or simply homeless.  Maybe they were lying around in someone’s garage … no longer one’s priority.

I’m here to tell you I DID buy those $15 Christmas Lights … and proud to support our community!  I hope you too will find it in your heart to either drop-off an unneeded item … or spend a few dollars at your “charity shop.”  [noun] A shop, usually operated by a charity, to which new or used goods are donated, for sale at a low price… op shop … oppie … thrift shop … thrift store.

Let’s SHOP Calgary … 😉

Come From Aways, Do You?

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