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Category Thursday

09-SEPTEMBER 28-2023

Good morning.  The volatility index, or VIX, is a popular tool for measuring how calm or wild markets have been.  Following last week’s drop, the VIX popped up to about 19.  Historically, that’s close to its long-term average.  It’s also…

09-SEPTEMBER 21-2023

Good morning.  The rising inflation of the past few years has more than offset the rise in wages that occurred during the pandemic.  Many workers are pushing for higher wages as a result. Those in unionized workforces are pushing for…

09-SEPTEMBER 14-2023

Good morning.  Yesterday’s double-header on inflation and the Fed meeting ultimately resulted in the status quo remaining unchanged.  Interest rates are staying the same.  And inflation is significantly down, but will likely bounce around in the months ahead thanks to…

09-SEPTEMBER 07-2023

Good morning.  It’s been six months since the banking sector saw some brief turmoil.  Since then, markets have largely moved past the second and third-largest bank failures in U.S. history.  However, two trends are at play that could cause some…

08-AUGUST 31-2023

Good morning.  New job growth slowed in August to nearly half its July level.  And the second quarter GDP data indicated a slowdown from its first estimate.  The economic slowdown is here.  So far, the economy has managed to deal…

08-AUGUST 24-2023

Good morning.  New home sales hit a 17-month high in July.  On its own, that sounds like good news.  But home sales have now exceeded existing home sales for the first time on record.  That reflects the fact that homeowners…

08-AUGUST 17-2023

Good morning.  China’s real estate problems have been building for years, kicking off about two years ago.   Now, with a slow economy and a rising debt-to-GDP-ratio, ratings agency Fitch may downgrade the country’s A+ credit rating.  It also doesn’t help…